Material & Object
Wax Exploration Series
for Milan Design Week 2024
Dipping Vase & Plate
This series of artworks delves into the historical technique of candle-making through dipping, predating the use of molds. The process involves immersing the wick repeatedly in wax. Each layer contributes to the overall composition.
As the straight wick transforms into a structured form, the candles embody a fusion of elements including the wick, wax, labor, and the gravitational force that gradually pulls the wax downwards.

Water Mold
This artwork is an exploration of the concept of 'mould'. Acting as a shaping tool, a mould functions akin to a frame for liquids. In this piece, water serves as the mould for wax, introducing an element of randomness into the shaping process. This approach encourages contemplation on how to navigate and embrace unpredictability.

Living Form
This artwork is with the intention to solidify the character of materials with a series of abstract forms. The softness and the ability of flowing of the wax intrigues a sense of living, leading
the discussion towards Animism.